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pediatric dentistry focuses on preventing and treating various oral diseases for child and adolescent, and management of oral health from the early childhood stage in the purpose of establishing normal dentition from eruption of the first deciduous tooth to achieving final good occlusion.

Researchers pointed out that severe caries experience during early childhood could result in a more severe caries experience during adulthood while a caries-free primary dentition has a greater likelihood to remain caries-free in the permanent dentition.18,19

Anticipatory guidance, such as dietary counseling, oral hygiene education, and application of fluoride in various forms (such as water fluoridation, fluoride toothpaste, and supplements) are adoptable to decrease the risk of dental caries and ensure the best possible health and developmental outcomes

 Infancy, however, is a critical time for formation of habits. Positive habits, such as twice-daily brushing with fluoride toothpaste starting at first teeth eruption, provides topical fluoride, which is important for remineralization of the tooth and helps establish a lifelong healthy practice. Negative habits, such as bottle propping and frequent juice consumption, reinforce behaviors that promote caries and obesity. 

The functional examination aims to check the stop of sucking habit after 3 years old, the ability of a good nasal breathing and a good swallowing. These disorders, in addition to the aesthetic consequences, lead primarily to temporomandibular joint disorders, masticatory and digestive disorders, ventilatory and obstructive sleep apnea, and dental and periodontal problems. These disorders are mainly fixed by the growth potential of the child, functional rehabilitation or using orthopedics or orthodontics appliances.

İskeletsel problemler doğurabilecek alışkanlık nefes alıp verme şekli 

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